Convert a Related List to a Comma Separated List

Sure, picklists and (sometimes) multi-select picklists are a great way to store data for objects but related list are much more powerful and flexible. Here's a great little trick to keep the power of related objects but still have the ease of use of a quasi-picklist for reporting, creating formulas, displaying values to users, external applications (iterating through a collection to display a comma separated list is tiresome!), etc.

The use case is that Accounts can operate in many regions so we need a way to tie Accounts and Regions together. Typically you would create a new custom object (i.e., a junction object) with a master-detail relationship to Account and a master-detail relationship to Region. This allows you to map multiple Accounts to multiple Regions.

However, for ease of use, let's put a single textarea field on the Account object and show the names of the regions as a simple comma separated list of values. We do this by creating a trigger that updates the Account each time the junction object (Account_Region__c) records are inserted, updated or deleted.

The trigger below fires whenever an Account_Region__c records is inserted, updated or deleted and simply passes the IDs for the Accounts that are affected to the AccountRegionTriggerHandler class for processing.

trigger AccountRegionTrigger on Account_Region__c (after delete, after insert, after update) {
 // fires after both insert and update
 if((Trigger.isInsert || Trigger.isUpdate) && Trigger.isAfter){
  // find the ids of all accounts that were affected
  Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
  for (Account_Region__c ar : [select Id, Account__c from Account_Region__c 
 where Id IN :Trigger.newMap.keySet()])
  // process the accounts 

 // fires when records are deleted. may want to do undelete also?
 } else if(Trigger.isDelete && Trigger.isAfter){
  // find the ids of all accounts that were affected
  Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>();
  for (ID id : Trigger.oldMap.keySet())
  // process the accounts



The AccountRegionTriggerHandler does all of the heaving lifting. For the Accounts in context, it queries for all of the Regions for each account, builds a comma separated list of region names and then updates the accounts with this list of regions.

public with sharing class AccountRegionTriggerHandler {
 public static void ProcessRegionsAsync(Set<ID> accountIds){
  // holds a map of the account id and comma separated regions to build
  Map<Id, String> accountRegionMap = new Map<Id, String>();
  // get ALL of the regions for all affected accounts so we can build
  List<Account_Region__c> accountRegions = [select id, Account__c, 
 Region__r.Name from Account_Region__c 
 where Account__c IN :accountIds order by Region__r.Name];
  for (Account_Region__c ar : accountRegions) {
 if (!accountRegionMap.containsKey(ar.Account__c)) {
  // if the key (account) doesn't exist, add it with region name
 } else {
  // if the key (account) already exist, add ", region-name"
  accountRegionMap.put(ar.Account__c,accountRegionMap.get(ar.Account__c) + 
   ', ' + ar.Region__r.Name);
  // get the account that were affected
  List<Account> accounts = [select id from Account where Id IN :accountIds];
  // add the comma separated list of regions
  for (Account a : accounts)
 a.Regions__c = accountRegionMap.get(;
  // update the accounts
  update accounts;

And finally, here's the unit tests for the trigger handler.

private class Test_AccountRegionTriggerHandler {
 static List<Region__c> regions = new List<Region__c>();
 static {
  // insert some regions
  Region__c r1 = new Region__c(name='Region 1');
  Region__c r2 = new Region__c(name='Region 2');
  Region__c r3 = new Region__c(name='Region 3');
  Region__c r4 = new Region__c(name='Region 4');
  insert regions;
 private static void testInsertRecords() {
  List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
  List<Account_Region__c> accountRegions = new List<Account_Region__c>();
  // insert some accounts
  Account a1 = new Account(name='Account 1');
  Account a2 = new Account(name='Account 2');
  insert accounts;
 accountRegions.add(new Account_Region__c(Account__c=a1.Id, Region__c=regions.get(0).Id));
 accountRegions.add(new Account_Region__c(Account__c=a1.Id, Region__c=regions.get(1).Id));
 accountRegions.add(new Account_Region__c(Account__c=a2.Id, Region__c=regions.get(2).Id));
 accountRegions.add(new Account_Region__c(Account__c=a2.Id, Region__c=regions.get(3).Id));
 insert accountRegions;
  // since async, check for the accounts AFTER tests stop
  List<Account> updatedAccounts = [select id, name, regions__c from account where id IN :accounts];
  System.assertEquals('Region 1, Region 3',updatedAccounts.get(0).Regions__c);
  System.assertEquals('Region 2, Region 4',updatedAccounts.get(1).Regions__c);
 private static void testDeleteRecords() {
  List<Account> accounts = new List<Account>();
  List<Account_Region__c> accountRegions = new List<Account_Region__c>();
  // insert an account
  Account a1 = new Account(name='Account 1');
  insert accounts;
 accountRegions.add(new Account_Region__c(Account__c=a1.Id, Region__c=regions.get(0).Id)); 
 accountRegions.add(new Account_Region__c(Account__c=a1.Id, Region__c=regions.get(1).Id));
 accountRegions.add(new Account_Region__c(Account__c=a1.Id, Region__c=regions.get(2).Id));
 accountRegions.add(new Account_Region__c(Account__c=a1.Id, Region__c=regions.get(3).Id));
 insert accountRegions;
 // now delete a record
 delete accountRegions.get(3);
  List<Account> updatedAccounts = [select id, name, regions__c from account where id IN :accounts];
  System.assertEquals('Region 1, Region 2, Region 3',updatedAccounts.get(0).Regions__c);

A couple of caveats:

  1. Since textarea fields only hold 255 characters, this may not be the best approach for extremely long lists of values.
  2. You may want give profiles read-only access to the field holding the list of values so that they cannot edit it. The trigger runs in system mode so that it has read-write access to this field. </ol>