Unfortunately alot of companies use Leads and Contacts interchangeably. Here is a small Apex class that performs a SOSL search across Contacts and Leads by email address. The method then wraps each Contact and Lead as a generic Person object and returns them to the caller as a List.
public class PersonService {
public class Person {
String id;
String firstName;
String lastName;
String company;
String email;
String phone;
String sObjectType;
public static List searchByEmail(String email) {
// list of Person objects to return
List people = new List();
// issue the sosl search
List<list> searchResults = [FIND :email IN EMAIL FIELDS RETURNING
Contact (Id, Account.Name, Email, Phone, FirstName, LastName),
Lead (Id, Company, FirstName, LastName, Email, Phone)];
// cast the results by sObjec type
List contacts = ((List)searchResults[0]);
List leads = ((List)searchResults[1]);
// a each contact found as a Person
for (Integer i=0;i<contacts.size();i++) {
Person p = new Person();
p.id = contacts[i].Id;
p.firstName = contacts[i].FirstName;
p.lastName = contacts[i].LastName;
p.company = contacts[i].Account.Name;
p.email = contacts[i].Email;
p.phone = contacts[i].Phone;
p.sObjectType = 'Contact';
// a each lead found as a Person
for (Integer i=0;i<leads.size();i++) {
Person p = new Person();
p.id = leads[i].Id;
p.firstName = leads[i].FirstName;
p.lastName = leads[i].LastName;
p.company = leads[i].Company;
p.email = leads[i].Email;
p.phone = leads[i].Phone;
p.sObjectType = 'Lead';
System.debug('Returning people: '+people);
return people;