Video - Getting Started with Rails & Databasedotcom Gem

It the new year again and time for resolutions. I made a resolution about a year ago to learn ruby. If you are looking for something to learn this year I would recommend ruby and here's why:

  1. bought Heroku for $220M
  2. has been pushing "Open. Social. Mobile" for quite some time.
  3. Ruby is great for creating social and mobile apps with open source technologies.

Do you see a correlation here? There are big things ahead for developers using Heroku. Eventhough Heroku is a polyglot platform, it shines with ruby. If you have the time, add ruby to your toolbox.

I presented this topic today at an Appirio Continuing Education webinar and thought it might come in handy to other trying to learn ruby. In the video I build a small app that displays a list of accounts, the details for a selected account and then queries for accounts by keyword. I reference some links to help you get started with ruby and rails and I've added them after the video.

You can find the source code here.

Links Referenced in the Video